I feel like I'm missing something. Say I have a URL for someone's Flickr profile (e.g. https://www.flickr.com/people/hawx-/), and I want to retrieve the info for that user using the API, what method should I call?
will get the data I want, but it needs the NSID of the person. Now you can have URLs like https://www.flickr.com/people/75695140@N04, which is my profile again, but it is much nicer to refer to them using the "nice URL".
I can get the NSID using flickr.people.findByUsername
, but this wants the username which may not be the same as the thing in the URL. In my case I have "hawx-" in the URL, but my username is "hawx~".
When I started building this site I wanted to bring back the feel of my old Tumblr. Not that I really posted that much there, or here, but the mix of content was nice and something I missed on /weblog.
I liked the colour palette which I had found on colourlovers.com however many years ago. If I pick colours myself it always ends up being a standard white/black/accent website, which is 98% of the web and therefore boring. I also loved the way Signika Negative looked, so wanted to bring that too.
But it is 2020 and everyone is adding dark modes, so what do you do when your site is already dark?
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light)
of course