liked @somebadideas's tweet at @paxthedog's tweet at

The Kraft Werks beer run is improving lockdown. is top notch
Calling Seinfeld a show about nothing seems a bit of a stretch now that we're in a lockdown.
Government: "stay at home" / TV News: "now to join our reporters around the country"

liked @TateBot's tweet at

replied to

I scrolled down to protect the identity of the person who liked this tweet. They don't need shaming for the fact that Twitter shows me people's likes of screenshots of tweets I previously saw in my timeline.
I also found interesting, so here is a screenshot of screenshots of a thread. Because.

read Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino

replied to

I got this working here It is pretty basic, I just collect any u-syndication links on the thing I'm liking/replying to and check if they match a tweet/flickr regex, like says. Also I've spotted on your blog that your syndication links probably shouldn't be marked up with u-syndication as they don't point to the tweet that was created by

replied to a note

Joshua Hawxwell :

These should link to different things on my blog, but the same thing on Twitter: Joshua Hawxwell @hawx
Hopefully the reply to this on my blog will look like a reply to my blog, but on Twitter the reply will reply to the tweet
These should link to different things on my blog, but the same thing on Twitter: Joshua Hawxwell @hawx

liked @harikunzru's tweet at Isis issues coronavirus travel advice: terrorists should avoid Europe at @EvieN's tweet at Pandemic Advice from Wu Tang Clan at

Also found out that agile was discovered in the middle neolithic period, and not 2001 as previously thought
Sad that I missed, but wasn't going to waste the hotel I'd booked. To make up for it I have managed to get posting photos to Twitter, as this hopefully proves...

replied to @kev_bite's tweet

Kev 🤷‍♂️ :

Why does no one support `text/yaml` Accept headers in their API?
I just broke something by typing a number in a YAML file without quoting it: it expected the field to be a string. I absolutely hate having one item with a quoted name, but the others not, so go for consistency. At that point you may as well use JSON.

liked @kev_bite's tweet at Special Fish at fruitful blog at

The FFVII Remake demo is GOTY. Weird that Barret sounds like Kirk Lazarus, otherwise it looks incredible. Playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey I forgot what a good rendered cut scene can look like.

liked @SimpsonsQOTD's tweet at @VeneficusIpse's tweet at