I've finally got around to updating https://auth.hawx.me/ to use the prefixed api key format for tokens, which means I have removed all previous data. On the plus side the database no longer contains usable raw data https://github.com/hawx/relme-auth/pull/14
I'd really appreciate when having to print out tickets for things if it just had like the qr code and basic info, not on a full colour graphic covering the whole page that I have to manually mask
twitter.com/Sothebys/statu… has anyone put together a site that allows you to make an NFT from a GitHub repo yet?
On the one hand it could solve the "how do I get paid to do open source" problem; on the other, there are only so many chumps who'll pay to sign some JSON with their key...
Today marks the tenth anniversary of the New Aesthetic, a project inaugurated on May 6th 2011, and performed online, offline, and in my head and heart and the heads and hearts of many others ever since: new-aesthetic.tumblr.com
'You see it every time. They’ll tweet stuff like, “Ok, this wins,” “everyone go home, this beats all the rest,” “ok, this won the internet.” Nothing wins the internet! It’s a forever-game where we all perpetually lose.'